המחלקה למדעי המחשב מברכת את הדוקטורנטית שני בן דוד על זכייתה במלגת קלור

תקציר הצעת המחקר של שני :

Efficiently verifying computations is essential in modern applications and has been a fundamental challenge in theoretical computer science. The proposal focuses on two key elements in this area: Batch arguments (BARGs) and RAM delegation. In BARGs, the aim is to efficiently verify a batch of NP statements with proof and verification time significantly smaller than the total witness size. RAM delegation enables verifiers to assess the RAM machine's output without performing the computation themselves, aiming to minimize both prover and verifier efficiency. Both of the models are proved to be closely related and very valuable. With this motivation, we aim to develop enhanced constructions that are more secure, succinct, and efficient. Additionally, we will investigate the implications arising from these improved constructions.


1. Title: Probabilistically Checkable Arguments for all NP. Authors: Shany Ben-David. Accepted to EUROCRYPT 2024 (International Advances in Cryptology Conference) https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/599.pdf

2. Title: Hamming Weight Proofs of Proximity with One-Sided Error. Authors: Gal Arnon, Shany Ben-David, Eylon Yogen. Submitted to CRYPTO 2024 (Advances in Cryptology) https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/832.pdf

3. Title: Verifiable Private Information Retrieval. Authors: Yael Kalai, Shany Ben-David, Omer Paneth. Accepted to TCC 2022 (Theory of Cryptography Conference) https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1560.pdf

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 24/06/2024